
Aixia wants to contribute to sustainable development. Aixia’s guiding principle is to actively and responsibly contribute to sustainable development by conducting business in a manner that upholds Aixia’s values, shows respect for people, society and the environment/natural resources. Aixia’s goal is to meet and exceed the expectations that its stakeholders have of Aixia’s activities.


By making decisions that fairly balance the claims of different stakeholders, Aixia will contribute to sustainable development and take responsibility for the common economic, social and environmental aspects of the world around it. Aixia’s CSR stakeholders include customers, owners, employees, partners, suppliers, the environment and society (including civil society and the public sector), as well as other stakeholders affected by the business. Aixia’s stakeholders are identified in Aixia’s stakeholder analysis.


Aixia has defined the following key principles in the area of sustainability:


  • Responsibility
  • Transparency
  • Business ethics
  • Respect for stakeholders’ interests
  • Respect for the rule of law
  • Respect for international standards of conduct
  • Respect for human rights
  • Strategy for sustainability work


The strategic direction of Aixia’s sustainability work shall be initiated by the Board and determined based on management’s strategic planning and business planning processes. Management allocates resources for the development of documentation such as procedures and policies, and plans and carries out follow-up of sustainability work. The strategy should be based on materiality analyses, baseline analyses, stakeholder maps and stakeholder dialogues. The sustainability report must be submitted annually, in connection with the annual report.


Sustainable responsibilities


Financial responsibility

For Aixia, it is a fundamental principle to operate responsibly with sound and balanced finances. The company avoids financial decisions that put its long-term survival at risk.

The company values honesty, transparency and high ethics in all business relationships. Employees keep promises and see both customers and suppliers as important partners to be treated with respect. It goes without saying that the company actively opposes all forms of bribery, corruption and corruption that may affect business relationships.

In the marketplace, Aixia promotes fair, honest and open competition and observes good marketing practices. The company’s information to the market should always be clear, transparent and never deliberately misleading. 


Environmental responsibility

Aixia shall proactively strive to reduce environmental and health-related risks from its operations and the services it provides. In the first place, by preventing the occurrence of pollution and, secondly, by minimising negative environmental impacts. Factors such as energy consumption and waste management should be the focus.


Social responsibility

Aixia must be a good corporate citizen. The company must respect human rights, reject corruption and bribery and money laundering. The company shall also strive to create good health and well-being, whether for employees, customers, owners or other stakeholders. The company will be active in social issues and promote social belonging for children and youth in order to contribute to a healthier and safer society, including through Aixia’s CSR projects.

The company does not make direct or indirect contributions to political parties or political organisations.


Legislative responsibility

Aixia must comply with the legislation and international conventions applicable in the markets in which it operates. The company must comply with environmental legislation, contracts, safety requirements and other binding requirements and regulations.


Supplier liability

Aixia will influence suppliers to promote sustainable development. Joint sustainability goals will be formulated with suppliers. The company shall formulate environmental requirements that shall apply to its own operations as well as to the procurement of goods and services.


Employer responsibility

Within the framework of employer responsibility, Aixia must ensure a good organisational and social working environment and a safe and secure workplace. Aixia shall have processes that stimulate employees’ ideas and initiative. The company will support and encourage employee involvement in society.

Aixia’s human resources policy outlines the importance of work-life balance for the company’s employees and includes clear and well-communicated guidelines on gender equality and diversity. Aixia recognises the importance of promoting the health and well-being of employees. The company shall allocate resources for employee development and competence building.


Customer and quality responsibility

The customer relationship and the customer’s needs must always be at the centre. A high degree of transparency, dialogue and clarity shall characterise Aixia’s relations with customers. Complaint handling and customer support should be efficient, thorough and handled with care. Continuous improvement in quality work is a priority area.

Aixia’s total quality management is managed in the company’s Operations Management System.


Monitoring and reporting

Aixia management follows up on all elements of Aixia’s Business Management System, including this policy, during management reviews and internal audits. Management and the Board shall report annually on CSR in a separate financial statement for external use and/or in the annual report of Aixia.



If an employee has questions or concerns about sustainability, they should first contact their immediate manager. You can also contact the HR/Quality Manager at Aixia.



Company managers are responsible for ensuring that all employees within the company are familiar with the company’s Sustainability Policy, but it is the responsibility of the individual to comply with it. Violating the company’s Sustainability Policy may result in disciplinary action. All employees have an obligation to work together to create and maintain a sustainable business climate.

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